Author: Iris Bas
Brand Marketer, LanguageWire
Author: Iris Bas
Brand Marketer, LanguageWire
We’ve gathered advice and symptoms listed by the Worldwide Health Organisation (WHO) and translated them into seven languages to help your communication.
The outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has created an unprecedented situation that affects all citizens of the world. We learn something new every day about the disease and communication is key to help slow its spread. To help your communication efforts, we’ve gathered advice and symptoms listed by the Worldwide Health Organisation (WHO) and translated them into seven languages.
Source: WHO – Advice for the public (27-03-2019)
According to the World Health Organisation, key symptoms of COVID-19 are “fever, cough and difficulty breathing.”
The World Health Organisation recommends: People with fever, cough and difficulty breathing seek medical attention early and call in advance, always following the directions of your local health authority.
For us at LanguageWire this also means working from home, which is something we are fortunately well prepared for. We use tools like Basecamp, Microsoft Teams, Yammer, Trello, Adobe Cloud and our own platform to collaborate remotely.
Here are some tips we are following at LanguageWire while working at home:
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