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Validating in Smart Editor

Discover our Computer Assisted Translation tool (CAT tool) and how to use

LanguageWire's Smart Editor to validate your content in context.

Preview of Smart Editor on a browser tab

Getting started

You are off to a smooth start with Smart Editor.

You just need to access the links below:

Smart Editor for validation

You'll be working in the same tool as LanguageWire's language experts and you will be able to see an in-context preview for supported formats.

This means that not only are your edits saved for future use by the translator, your company's terminology is also highlighted as you work.

Since everything happens online, your work is saved online, you can close the browser and come back to the validation later. As long as you're online and have a stable connection, your work will be saved once you click "Save".

Choice of browser: Smart Editor is optimised for Google Chrome, so we recommend using this browser for the optimal validation experience.

Firsts steps with Smart Editor

Starting to validate a project in Smart Editor is easy. You just need to follow a few simple steps.

You can watch the short video below or see the steps below.

1. Accept the validation job in the platform.

You will receive an email invitation. Click on the link in the email to go straight to the job page on the LanguageWire Content Platform.

Screenshot of an email invitation

Screenshot of an email invitation for a validation job.

2. Click on "Quote on Job" to verify the job details.

We recommend that you take note of when the translation will be ready for you.

Screenshot of the validation page job with all the details inside the LanguageWire Content Platform.

Screenshot of the validation page job with all the details inside the LanguageWire Content Platform.

3. Confirm your availability for the job.

Remember to observe the deadline indicated as this has been set by your colleague who ordered the translation.

Screenshot of  LanguageWire Content Platform confirmation dialog


4. When the translation is ready, you'll receive an email notification.

Click on the email button to start your validation right away.

Screenshot of an email notification

Note: If you don't confirm the validation job, you won't receive the email notification when the translation is ready.

5. Once the translation is ready, simply click "Validate" to open Smart Editor.

 Screenshot of  LanguageWire Content Platform dashboard, highlighting the  

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If you followed the first steps, now you are ready to validate.

You can watch the short video below or see the steps below.

1. You can see a preview for supported formats.

So it’s easy to validate in context. When you click a segment (text box) in layout, it automatically jumps to the corresponding section in the edit window, and vice versa.

Smart Editor screenshot, highlighting the validation in-context preview for supported formats, in this case, PowerPoint.

Smart Editor screenshot, highlighting the validation in-context preview for supported formats, in this case, PowerPoint.

2. Validate each segment (text box) and approve it by clicking "Save".

You can also use a shortcut for save options. This changes the status of the segment to "Approved".

Smart Editor screenshot, highlighting two segments and the

Smart Editor screenshot, highlighting the validation in-context preview for supported formats, in this case, PowerPoint.

Note: We recommend using the shortcuts as much as possible. You can find an overview of keyboard shortcuts and a legend under Help.

Image of the saving shortcuts on Smart Editor

Smart Editor shortcuts under the Help menu

Smart Editor shortcuts under the Help menu

3. Please note that some documents contain tags.

These protect formatting or act as placeholders. You can change how tags appear in the text under "View". Tags are important, so you have to keep them in the text.

Tag display menu on Smart Editor

You may also see spaces indicated by the non-breaking spaces symbol. It is important that you keep non-breaking spaces.

non breaking spaces symbol example on Smart Editor 

4. Save or Save without TM option.

Smart Editor saves your edits to the document and also for future use by the translator unless you select the "Save without TM" option. 

Save with or without TM menu on Smart Editor preview

You can also access your company terminology, which is displayed visually for easy adherence.

Smart Editor screenshot with an example of the terminology visibility appears highlighted in the segments. 

5. Search if needed.

If you need to search for a word or perform a search and replace action, that's available for you as well.

The search fields are available at the top of the page. To access the replace option, click the icon to the right.

Image of the search options on Smart Editor

6. Update the preview if needed.

You can update the preview to instantly see your edit for supported formats – just click the refresh button.

Screenshot of where you can find the refresh button on Smart Editor

7. Verify your process at the top of the page.

Each time you click save, the segment is ticked and your validation progress goes up a notch – you can verify this at the top of the edit page.

Screenshot of the progress bar on Smart Editor

Note: Make sure you go through all segments on all pages to reach 100% completion.

8. Look for the green check mark circle.

Refer to the green check mark circle to spot any segments that still require approval from you.

Screenshot of the place where you can find the approval green check mark on Smart Editor

9. Each page that you've approved is shown with a large check mark.

Screenshot of the approved check mark on Smart Editor preview pages

10. Use the filters to display only segments with a specific status.

Image showing the place where you can find the filter options on Smart Editor

Screenshot showing some filters on Smart Editor

Needs Attention, Draft and Confirmed are all dynamic filters.
Each time you change the status of a segment, the filter will update.

Screenshot showing some filters on Smart Editor

Auto-approved and New content are static filters. They show the status the segments had when the job was started.
If you change the status of a segment in the course of your work, it will still show up with its initial status in these filters.

11. Zoom in on the layout if you need to.

Zoom inlayout Smart Editor graphic example

12. Set up the view to how you like it.

You can also change the way the page is displayed, or change the layout origin to either source or target preview.

Image of the set up the view panel in Smart editor

Screenshot of the View panel menu Smart Editor

13. Use the built-in QA checker to verify potential issues.

Image showing the built-in QA checker alerts on Smart Editor

QA summary checker screen on Smart Editor

You can also use the QA Summary to locate and correct any issues before your delivery.

14. Once you've resolved an issue, a green OK mark will appear.

OK symbol on Smart Editor

15. Communicate with your team during validation.

If during the validation you want to communicate with the language expert team or your colleague who ordered the translation, go back to the platform to start a Message.

Simply click the green arrow at the top of the Smart Editor page to go to the job page:

Screenshot of the green button on Smart Editor to go back to LanguageWire Content Platform

You can come back to your validation in Smart Editor anytime.

Click "Open messages" to write a message.

Open Messages button on LanguageWire Content Platform

Message pop up on LanguageWire Content Platform

Once you’ve finished your communication in Messages and are ready to go back to Smart Editor, simply click the job from the participants overview.

Message pop-up resume screen

16. Finishing the validation job.

Once you've completed your validation and the progress bar displays 100%, you're ready to finish the validation job. Simply click the green arrow at the top of the Smart Editor page.

Screenshot of the completion bar at 100% and the menu bar of Smart Editor to go back to LW Platform and finish the job

Back on the job page on the LanguageWire Content Platform, simply click "Finish Job".

Finish job button on LanguageWire Content Platform

If you want to leave a delivery note, you can do so at this step.

Finish job dialogue on LanguageWire Content Platform

When you click "Finish Job", it automatically signals to LanguageWire that you've completed your validation and that we can proceed to the next step.

Without this confirmation from you, the delivery to your colleagues may be delayed.

If you need to, you can always come back to view the validated text by clicking "Show Translations".

Validation job delivery completed screen example on LanguageWire Content Platform

However, once you've finished the job as described, you can no longer edit the text.

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How to videos

Find here some short video with good tips to get you started.

Smart Editor: How to accept a validation job

Smart Editor: How to validate

Smart Editor: How to work with tags

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