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A Quick Guide to Technical Translation
in the Manufacturing Industry

Technical Translations in Manufacturing - Two people discussing a translated document

Verity Hartley at LanguageWire  LanguageWire ||  Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you work with internal communications or marketing in a company in the manufacturing industry, you will most likely need technical translations at some point. Especially if your company serves more than one national market.

This article provides you with a quick guide to technical translation in the manufacturing industries, as there are a few things to consider when you set about choosing your provider of technical translations.

What is Technical Translation?

Technical translation is the translation of technical documents or any piece of text dealing with subjects of a technical nature. This could be but is not limited to manuals.

The most important thing to remember when translating technical documents is to achieve complete accuracy in terminology and meaning. In the translation of other types of text, the focus might be on getting the tone of voice right or accurately achieving the same feeling that the original text gives off. This is true for a lot of editorial articles. But regarding technical translations, total accuracy in every detailed description is of the highest importance.

What Types of Documents Need Technical Translations?

Manuals are typical subjects of technical translations, but any type of user guide, technical documentation and patent application is a frequent subject to technical translation.

These could include:

  • instruction and maintenance manuals
  • handbooks
  • e-learning courses
  • training materials
  • press releases
  • technical websites

How Language Service Providers (LSPs) Can Support the Manufacturing Process

In order to achieve a high degree of accuracy in terminology and meaning, which is needed in technical translations, it is of the utmost importance that you select the right Language Service Provider (LSP) for your needs. That way, you can ensure that your LSP supports both your manufacturing process, your business and your marketing.

At LanguageWire, we are an experienced Language Service Provider in the field of manufacturing translations and support the manufacturing process by offering the services of technical translators in more than 500 language combinations, so you can focus on your area of expertise within the manufacturing field.

ISO 17001 logo

What is ISO 17100, and why do you need it?

ISO 17100 is a certification issued by the International Organization for Standardization's Technical Committee.

The International Organization for Standardization is an NGO based in Geneva, Switzerland, that develops and publishes international standards in all technical and nontechnical fields (except for electrical and electronic engineering). The organization is composed of representatives from the national standards organizations of member countries.

The certification ISO 17100 is a standard that “specifies requirements for all aspects of the translation process directly affecting the quality and delivery of translation services.”

One of the key elements of the new ISO17100 standard compared to the previous EN 15038 is that it sets minimum standards, like the obligatory requirement for translations to be revised by a second person.

When you select a technical translation service which has been certified by the ISO 17100 standard, you can feel certain that your end product will have the highest quality.

LanguageWire is ISO 17100 certified.

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