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InLayout Editor

How to streamline proofreading in InDesign with InLayout Editor

Content comes in many forms and sizes. Generally speaking, the stuff that catches our attention is pleasing to the eye. We are visual creatures who process visual information quicker than text or audio. In fact, people retain 10% of what they hear, 20% of what they read, and 80% of what they see (source:

Moving an image in WordMoving an image in Microsoft Word can be challenging

But creating content that looks good is challenging. It’s a nightmare to attempt it in Microsoft Word. You’ll get a more professional result using desktop publishing (DTP) software.

And the king of desktop publishing software is Adobe InDesign. It’s the go-to tool when you want to create a document with text and images. InDesign Skills puts it well, ‘If you want to focus on the quality of your text and typography, and have maximum control over design and content, InDesign is your new best friend.’

Collaborating using InDesign is tricky

Unfortunately, for all its strengths, collaborating on documents in InDesign isn’t simple. Collectively creating and reviewing your content is a time-consuming and often frustrating process. Feedback is sent via email, written on paper, and given verbally.

Graphic designers and project managers often struggle with collecting and collating feedback from copywriters, designers, marketing managers, sales representatives, and product owners.

Here are some common issues when trying to create content in InDesign:

  • Most people don’t have InDesign, and it isn’t cheap to own.
  • It takes time to learn as it’s DTP software and not basic word processing.
  • Errors are commonplace due to back-and-forth edits using email or printouts.
  • Copy-paste mistakes can creep in over many correction rounds.
  • Keeping track of changes that have been made and maintaining a version history is a manual task.

Join our InLayout Editor webinar to learn how to simplify the proofing process for your business. Collaborate on InDesign files online and let the content experts write text and the graphics experts focus on design. Register now...

Proofreading with InLayout Editor

That’s why LanguageWire has developed the InLayout Editor. We’re very excited about its potential to help businesses around the globe. It’s a tool which saves massive amounts of time proofing InDesign documents. According to Ib Tørsleff, Product Director at LanguageWire, "The InLayout Editor will cut the review and approval time in half."

"The InLayout Editor will cut the review and approval time in half.
- Ib Tørsleff, Product Director at LanguageWire

How is this achieved? InLayout Editor is browser-based and centralises proofreading in one place, giving users an easy-to-manage overview of the proofreading process. But it’s much more than that.

Here’s a quick run-down of how InLayout Editor makes proofing InDesign content simple.

No more copy-and-paste errors

  • Reduce the risk for error by making edits to documents in layout.
  • No mistakes are made from back-and-forth edits using email, printouts or sticky notes
  • Simplify the editing process by allowing the content experts to write text and the graphics experts to focus on design.

Text change and comment in InLayout Editor
Proofreaders can create notes and edit text without using InDesign

You can cut content creation time in half

  • Graphic designers save time because all text changes made in InLayout
  • Text edits show up automatically in InDesign. Save time spent searching the document because edited sections are highlighted in InDesign, making it easy for designers to adjust the layout when needed.
  • Reduce time spent on project management with automatic notifications when proofing is required and approved. Reduce inbox clutter by eliminating the need to send document versions back-and-forth via email.
  • Less proofreading rounds are required.

InDesign View InLayout Editor
InLayout Editor creates new layers in InDesign for notes and to show where were made

Usability is a priority

  • No new software is required. You access InLayout Editor through your web browser.
  • It has a simple interface that doesn’t require training or graphic design skills to use.
  • An online, cloud-based tool safely stores your information using HTTPS encryption, European-based servers and private cloud infrastructure.

Change Report Inlayout Editor
The user interface is simple so you can focus on making great content

Keep an overview of your projects

  • Help teams to collaborate, because multiple users with different roles can take part in the approval process.
  • Project managers get an instant overview of all comments, helping to identify patterns and improve future projects.
  • Keep project deadlines with an overview of approval status and proofing stage for each document.

InLayout Editor Proofing Activity
Get a quick overview of all projects from the home screen

Spread the word

As you can see, InLayout Editor is a tool that makes a lot of sense to use when creating content in InDesign. But it’s something that most people don’t realise is a possibility. I’ve struggled with project managing the creation of brochures myself in a previous position working at Crumpler, a popular apparel brand. I would have saved tonnes of time using a tool like this.

"We have developed a unique solution to an ongoing problem."
- Ib Tørsleff, Product Director at LanguageWire

I’ll let Ib Tørsleff have the final say on why InLayout Editor is so valuable, 'The key to InLayout Editor is that it does exactly that; it allows you to proofread and edit text in layout. It also makes life for graphic designers easier. You can’t move images around, and all text edits and comments are marked in InDesign. Add a clear overview of projects in a cloud-based platform, and you can see that we have developed a unique solution to an ongoing problem.'

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